Located in Weston, Vermont Antje Greene is successfully treating symptoms of Lyme Disease, including co-infections, and
Long Covid through bio-magnetic therapy.

Antje Greene

My story starts like yours, in pain and without viable treatment. My life changed from being very active to being unable to walk 100 feet without excruciating pain. After being misdiagnosed with hip bursitis, steroid shots, multiple rounds of physical therapy, and chiropractic treatments, I was no better.

Desperate for help, I followed a friend’s advice making an appointment with a practitioner who uses bio-magnetic therapy. I was very surprised when I was told I had Lyme disease. I never found a tick or noticed a tick bite. We started treatments the very same day. I also developed brain fog and paresthesia (pins and needles), caused by Lyme pathogens. Thanks to bio-magnetic therapy I am free of Lyme pathogens.

As I got better through the bio-magnetic therapy my curiosity grew. I started the course of study that has led me to my own practice and helping others. I have successfully treated Lyme disease symptoms in many clients since September 2023. I hope to be a part of your recovery.

Lyme Disease and Long Covid Treatment

  • What does a Lyme Treatment consist of?

    Lyme disease and its co-infections are highly complex, requiring a treatment strategy that is comprehensive and aggressive. All related pathogens must be treated fully for the body to return to well-being.

    An average treatment plan is 7-10 sessions with up to 20 or 30 treatments for chronic Lyme Disease (after 3 years). Initial treatments may be repeated every 10-14 days with less frequent treatments as therapy progresses. It’s critically important for clients to finish the entire treatment series for the therapy to be successful and effective.

    Clients are advised to rest and abstain from alcohol during treatments. Avoid stress and eat a healthy diet to aid in your recovery.

  • What happens during a session?

    Initial session is 1.5- 2 hours

    Brief review of your client intake form.

    Client symptom assessment.

    Kinesiology (applied muscle testing) assessment. Using your feet I will learn where your body shelters pathogens. I will ask your body a series of questions using your feet to receive the answers. Your right leg’s response will tell me what needs to be treated and in which order. Magnets will be placed in pairs (positive and negative charge) accordingly. It is common that during the treatment clients relax or fall asleep.

    An individual treatment is 15-20 minutes once all the magnets are placed.

  • Long Covid Treatment

    Covid-19 and its variants continue to affect many of us. After recovery from Covid new, puzzling symptoms can surface and linger for weeks, months and even years.

    It is very difficult for medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients when pathogens are undetected by bloodwork or other acceptable modes of diagnostics.

    Symptoms range from sinus pressure, fatigue, tinnitus, headaches, incontinence, rashes, brain fog, joint pain, food sensitivities, abdominal pain to anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, tachycardia and atrial fibrillation.

    Fortunately, the pathogens which entered with Covid-19 can be eliminated using Bio-magnetic Pair Therapy.

    After identifying and eliminating Covid-19 related pathogens for 2 years, Joan Randall taught her knowledge to selected practitioners. I’m one of the practitioners and am now able to treat my clients for Covid-19 related pathogens.